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5 Reasons to visit Spain in 2019

This country has so much to offer: the food, history, culture and architecture. The hardest part about visiting Spain is trying to figure out when you will come back next.

#1 Food is Art

The Spanish have life down to a beautiful art, from the beautiful flavors that come out in Paella to the tiny tapas dishes that are the perfect size for sharing and snacking. When in Spain become like a local, head to dinner late, drink wine and socialize. If you are someone who likes to cook consider taking a cooking and tasting class. Enjoy the pace at which everything runs. The specialty dishes change as you move around the country. Spain is known for its seafood along the coast and beautiful cured meats, but did you know about their delicious desserts like the churros. After enjoying all of these beautiful dishes take the time to go for a stroll to digest and enjoy the scenery.

#2 Monuments and architecture

Spain is famous for not only its traditional architecture that you would see in Madrid and the Royal Palace, if you have the time take a day tour to Toledo to see this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Of course, Granada boasts the Alhambra and the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia dominates the city. However, those are just some of the many styles of architecture that can be seen in this area of Spain.

Park Guell by Antoni Gaudi, Barcelona

#3 Barcelona and Gaudi

Barcelona is a city that it is important to take a day tour, which will help you understand the interesting history of this area. Gaudi is the Catalan genius that created some of the world’s most beautiful and unusual buildings. The Sagrada Familia is a must see on a first time or fourth time visit to Barcelona, as this building is continually being finished. It is expected to be finished in 2026 almost 150 years after it started being made.

#4 Amazing Andalusia

Heading South of Spain to explore the Andalusia region. There is so much to see in this area, from beautiful beaches around Malaga to the stunning Cathedral in Seville with beautiful orange trees in its garden to the amazing inside, where there is a tomb for Christopher Columbus. However, one of the most famous cities is Granada, when in Granada make sure you have enough time to enjoy this beautiful city and spend a whole day exploring the Alhambra. This Moorish castle sits on a hill above town and the intricate details of the stone work is amazing. The sensual Flamenco dance and music also originated in the south of Spain (Granada and Seville) is an unforgettable experience.

Seville, Spain

#5 Unique, distinct and diverse

Aside from the food and the history it is truly the people that make Spain a magical destination to visit. The diversity of landscape is just a small demonstration of the diversity of the people. From the different accents to the cultural differences of people from the North West Coast heading along to Basque country and the coast before heading to the Catalonia region of the Northern Mediterranean. This is just a glimpse of what these people have to offer in terms of cultural and topography. However, there is a common tie that brings them all together which is their: kind, open and friendly manner in which you feel greeted. This leaves the traveler wondering when they can come back to visit again.

Save time and book an Escorted Tour to get the most out of your visit to Spain:

Andalusia and the Mediterranean Coast Escorted Tour: Madrid to Madrid

Andalusia & Toledo Escorted Tour: Barcelona to Madrid

Andalusia Small Group Escorted: Barcelona to Madrid


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