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5 Ways to Reassure and Empower Your Clients Through COVID-19

In these times of uncertainty, we plan, prepare, and move forward. As our industry and many others are forced to adapt quickly to the challenges posed by COVID-19, many are asking themselves about the future of travel.

While it can be easy to lose perspective, it’s important to remember that travel does have a future. Whether it’s three, six, or 12 months from now, our globetrotters will still be packing their bags, boarding planes, and having incredible adventures across all regions of the globe, so there’s nothing to be gained by grinding to a halt or assuming all travel plans for fall and winter 2020 and early 2021 are off the table.

Remember, we have been here before, and we will get through it again, moving forward together with confidence, preparation, and mutual support. Here are 5 ways Goway is here to help you through the latest challenge to the world of travel.

1. Confidence: We’ve been through tough times before

Adapting to challenging world events is part and parcel of working in the travel industry. It’s an unfortunate reality we’ve learned all too well over 50 years. The launch of Asia by Goway in 1989 was immediately followed by the events of Tiananmen Square. Since then, we have navigated the challenges of SARS, swine flu, bird flu, and numerous terrorism and security incidents, including the global impact of 9/11. While the particulars of travel have changed, along with many of our destinations, our clients’ wanderlust, and our love of globetrotting has not. Working together, we’ve overcome tough times and devastating global events before, and will do so again in the future.

2. Now is not the time to be silent

We understand that it can seem insensitive to promote travel during a pandemic. Ultimately though, people still want to dream of travel. A more productive and healthy message is to let your clients know that you’re there for them when the pause in travel has lifted. You can offer reassurance that there is nothing wrong with making realistic travel plans for fall and winter 2020 and 2021 with the expectation that the pandemic will pass, as others have before.

3. Communicate and reassure

Voices in the travel industry have the power to assure would-be travelers and navigate the travel environment post COVID-19, keeping all travelers informed and reassured. Goway Travel is keen to work with our agent partners to help create an effective marketing plan that keeps your clients safe, manages their expectations, and doesn’t dampen their enthusiasm — or ability — to travel. We’ve been doing this for 50 years, through many crises before this.

4. 3-way conference call service

As travel rebounds, If your client is still having commitment issues, might we suggest a 3-way? No, we’re serious! If your client wants to hear from us directly, this is easily arranged. Our 3-way conference call service remains available, allowing both you and your clients to get the latest information from all of our destinations. We can even offer alternatives to match your client’s interests and budget if they’re at all apprehensive about their initial plans.

5. Extra flexible booking procedures

Reassurances are great, but we’re also willing to put them on paper with new booking procedures and protections designed to give your clients peace of mind when travelling in 2020 and 2021. We are sure that in a post-COVID-19 travel world, cancellation policies and flexible booking procedures will be a more in-depth conversation than ever before.

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Renee Stanton-Defaria

Renee’s love for travel and adventure has been a significant part of her life since she was just six months old when she embarked on her first trip overseas to Fiji. She has lived in different parts of the world, including Australia, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Her travels have taken her to 58 countries across the globe, where she has had the opportunity to explore and learn about different cultures and ways of life. Renee’s academic background includes a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. Her career in the travel industry spans over two decades, during which she has worked as a travel agent and held managerial positions in aviation, insurance, and wholesale travel. Apart from her professional life, Renee has a passion for adventure and enjoys snowboarding, hiking, and immersing herself in new cities. She also has a keen interest in exploring the culinary delights of different countries. Overall, Renee’s extensive experience in the travel industry, combined with her love for adventure and discovering new cultures, makes her a well-rounded and knowledgeable individual in the field of travel.

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