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An Update Regarding Scammers Targeting Goway’s Travel Advisor Community

Recently, it has come to our attention that some malicious individuals have been impersonating Goway employees and targeting our dedicated travel advisor community. A Facebook page has appeared claiming to be run by Goway, while users have been contacting travel advisors via Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp asking for money and offering false rewards and recruitment notices.

We feel the need to set the record straight: these communications are not coming from Goway and we would never contact any of our trusted travel advisors in such a manner.

For instance, there is only one official private Facebook group for travel advisors, which is managed by the Goway Account Management team and currently has over 16,000 members. We do not run other private Facebook groups, so if you are asked to join one, please decline and join our official group instead.

As well, this very website, Goway Agent, is our only official webpage for travel advisors. There is another website claiming to be Goway Agent, which is using a web URL with the plural of agent to attempt to trick people into accessing it. It requests that advisors either login or sign up to access the web content. This is a scam and any solicitation or communications from such a website should be blocked and reported.

Also, please note that Goway will never reach out to you on WhatsApp to proactively recruit you for any kind of work. We go through official recruitment channels and our People & Culture team diligently follow every industry regulation. If you have received a message of this nature, please disregard and block the sender.

If you continue to receive suspicious messages or have come across websites claiming to be Goway, please contact Goway’s Trade Training & Engagement Manager Don Forster at [email protected]. If you have any hesitation about messages claiming to be from Goway, please contact your Goway Account Manager first. Do not click on any suspicious link.

We’re hopeful that a proactive response and the help of our wider travel advisor community will nip this in the bud. We regret any confusion. We’re committed to making your lives easier and to Goway Agent being a one-stop-shop for travel advisors, so we’ll continue to improve our processes and combat these malicious scammers. Thank you for your patience and support.


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