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Australian Bush Fires Donations for People and Wildlife

If you would like to help the people and wildlife that have been affected by the devastating bush fires in Australia please read the following, submitted by Goway’s Sydney office on 7 January 2020.

This is one source of information about how to best donate as of today:

There have been incredible outpourings of support and donations from all around the country, and the world, so we can definitely say that the community has responded in the best way possible already. Truckloads of clothing, food, animal feed and other donations have been heading into affected regions from all over Australia. The Red Cross and other agencies have now said please stop sending goods and start sending only money as they are better able to distribute that than other physical goods.

Donations to the various Fire Services will reach not only the fire service and their volunteers, but also families affected by loss in the fire regions. Celeste Barber’s Facebook campaign was originally for NSW fire service but now that it’s over $40 million she’s advised it will go out to fire services across the country.

If you want to donate to the families and the communities in immediate need, we would suggest the Australian Red Cross as they are probably the primary agency along with Salvation Army


The NSW Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service (WIRES) is taking donations  https://www.wires.org.au/donate/emergency-fund

The Port Macquarie Koala Hospital also has a fundraising page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-thirsty-koalas-devastated-by-recent-fires

Our understanding is that both these agencies will share funds across state borders to others in need, but we are not certain that is true. 

The Koala Clancy Foundation is taking donations to plant trees for the koala habitat: https://www.echidnawalkabout.com.au/koalas-bushfires-how-you-can-help/

We like the idea of supporting not only the koalas but all the other creatures which get less exciting media coverage. Here’s an article about the wildlife on Kangaroo Island:

We suspect we’ll hear of vulnerable very delicate populations of less known creatures like Dunnarts, lizards, frogs etc. which may have been in a very small area and are probably wiped out or devastated by the fires, which is where we think WIRES suits nicely. 


Whilst it seems all of Australia has “gone up in smoke” that is not true. The country is as big as mainland USA, and most of the country’s touring highlights are still available.

With the help of Goway’s Australia office and our inside knowledge we are able to design and organize an ultimate touring experience. When travelling Downunder we offer 24/7 support and advice.


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