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Carolyn Weppler – Catching up with Goway’s Sales VP

How long have you been in the travel industry?

34 years

Where were you born?

Hong Kong

How many countries have you visited?

About 70

Why did you start your career in travel?

I finished high school in January, and had some spare time between then and the start of the school year in September. My mum got me a job at the Incentive Travel Company, where she worked doing data entry. That led to a “person Friday” job in destination of these big incentives. In less than 6 months I had been to England, Portugal, France, Turkey, Italy, Greece, Singapore, Bali and Australia. I was hooked, so I did an intensive travel course at school in the fall and I never looked back.

What was the last vacation you went on?

2 glorious weeks in Costa Rica, a combo of a beach stay and a self-drive exploring the volcanos and cloud forests staying at some of Goway’s best Costa Rican lodges.

If you were going to the airport (once COVID-19 has passed), where would you want to go?

Italy! I had a trip planned with my 83-year-old Dad that we had to cancel. It was to be our 5th trip there. You can never get enough of Italy.

What advice would you give to a Travel Agent during these times?

Upskill your knowledge, inspire your clients, and go above and beyond for any client you are able to interact with as they will truly remember and come back to book when they can. Know that the traveller has learned that the value of an agent’s assistance is far greater than saving $50 on an online ticket. Together, we will soar once the planes can soar.

What is your ultimate trip for a family vacation?

My sons are adults now and we all love food, wine, history, culture and hiking, so Croatia is top of that list but when they were little it was England, Ireland and Scotland so we could explore castles and forts, ride bikes and hike, eat fish and chips, meat pies and scones.


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