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Explore Peru in a Week!

Machu Picchu and Cusco are but just a few of Peru’s most famous attractions. Goway’s 7-Day Explore Peru takes in all these sites plus much more, from this popular destination in South America.

Demand for the Explore Peru itinerary continues to increase, as do the requests to travel to Peru over the spring and summer. As such, Goway has structured several discount Explore Peru departures. Not only does the itinerary take in all the big Peruvian highlights, it is also priced with the budget-conscious traveller in mind.

Our travel designers put this tour together to offer a varied set of experiences all within a 1-week time frame. Lima and Cusco not only offer a wide range of historic neighbourhoods to visit, but with their array of cuisine, art, and great local markets, provide a glimpse at what modern Peru has become. The Inca heartland of the Sacred Valley and its gem, Machu Picchu, both offer travellers the chance to step back in time and learn about one of the world’s greatest empires.

Plaza de Armas, Cusco
Plaza de Armas, Cusco

For those needing more flexibility on dates, we offer the 8-Day Best of Peru trip, along with many other customized programs, on departures suitable for every traveller.

A local boy in Ollantaytambo
A local boy in Ollantaytambo

Our 7-Day Explore Peru starts at a discounted $970US/ $1339CA per person. For full itinerary information, or to check out other itineraries for Peru, please visit us at www.goway.com. Explore Peru includes all transfers, train and bus tickets, local guides, accommodation, some meals, a guided tour with entrance fee for Machu Picchu, and entrance fee for Ollantaytambo Ruins.


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