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Foodie Walking and Biking Tours Make Thailand Come Alive

If you haven’t been to Bangkok, you might see it as an exciting, huge metropolis, best known for its glittering rooftop bars and stunning skyline. But Bangkok is also down to earth, relaxed and full of authentic charm. A great way to access the city’s less touristy aspects is to join our guides on an evening street food tour, an off the beaten track bike tour, or a cooking class. On the evening street food walking tour, passengers gain confidence to try freshly-prepared items like grilled jumbo prawns with chili sauce, black sesame dumplings, and pan-fried taro cake. Our full day bike trip takes clients through markets, old city defense walls, small factories, scenic parks and along a canal, with lots of snacking along the way. Finally, there’s no better way to unlock the secrets of Thai cooking than at a top-notch cooking school, with an expert chef guiding guests on how to prepare some of Thailand’s most important dishes.

Heading north to Chiang Mai, clients can skip the touristy places and instead head to the Chang Phuak Gate Market with our guide, meeting local vendors and tasting delicious grilled meats, seafood, curries, soups, noodles and rice dishes. Travellers might also wish to spend a day in the Thai countryside visiting the gorgeous scenery and pagodas of Doi Inthanon, and enjoying lunch at a local restaurant.

These Thailand daytours can be easily combined or mixed and matched to give your clients just the right balance of adventure, ease and authenticity on their next trip to Asia.


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