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How to generate leads to long-haul destinations

A common question that Business Development Managers are asked on the road is “How do I generate leads to your destinations?” This usually comes from agents who each year drown in inquiries for sun destinations and would love to expand their business portfolio. The Goway sales team loves to be asked that question because they have the tools to help agents generate those leads to our long-haul destinations.

To start, we always advise that your clients need a burst of inspiration to plant the seed, you can do this in various ways, whether it’s using beautiful imagery on Instagram, or by sharing one of our very popular blogs from Goway.com. This doesn’t mean you have to reinvent or makeover your clients’ travel habits either! You might have a lot of clients that travel regularly to the Caribbean and love a good beach escape. So, to inspire these clients to travel further afield, you could start by simply posting one of our blogs on, say, the world’s Top 5 overlooked beach destinations. It could be done on Facebook (everyone likes a colourful Facebook timeline!) or embedded into your e-newsletter.

“Create a bespoke itinerary for your client.”

Once your clients are inspired to travel, and willing to look beyond the ‘same old,’ it’s time to offer them some suggested itineraries, and maybe a sweet deal or two. Goway offers a full suite of specials to all of our destinations throughout the year on GowayAgent.com. Here, you can customize our flyers with your agency’s call to action. Then simply email these to your clients, post them on social media, or use them at one of your local trade expos.

So, you’ve now inspired your clients to travel to one of Goway’s destinations? Great! But what if you haven’t been there before? No worries, our destination experts are here to help you close the sale. Goway.com features a wealth of country information and numerous suggested itineraries to help you get started. But Goway’s greatest asset is our destination experts. They are here to help create a bespoke itinerary for your client and make their travel dreams a reality. They can even do a 3-way conference call with you and your clients!

So next time you find yourself wishing you got more inquiries to new and ‘exotic’ destinations, think about Goway. We can help you achieve this and increase your bottom line.


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