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Get to Know Bruce Hodge, Founder of Goway Travel

This month, PAX magazine did a feature cover story on our own, Bruce Hodge, founder of Goway Travel.

In this article, Bruce looks back at the last 46 years, from when (jokingly) he decided to get into the travel industry, to Goway’s reinvention and full-force endurance during some tough years. What has always stood steadfast, aside from Bruce’s continuing passion for travel and adventure, is the importance of relationships that have been developed throughout the years – whether it be with fellow staff members, suppliers, or travellers – as well as great customer service.

Joined by Bruce’s wife, Claire, son, Adam, and daughter, Bronwyn, learn how Goway has impacted their lives from the beginning, to their roles now in helping to truly make Goway Travel an ever-flourishing family business, while recognizing the collaborative effort provided by their international team of 260 staff and fellow Globetrotters.

Photo credit: Michelle Yee

Click on link for online version: http://paxmagazine.ca/digital/2016/09/en/

Click on image to read PDF version:

Pax magazine cover September 2016

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