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Get to Know a Destination Specialist: Bryan Tutte

Many of Goway’s Central & South America destination specialists have lived in either Central or South America. In fact, many were born there. As well, everyone has travelled extensively in the region and continues to do so. This experience, along with Goway’s in-depth, ongoing training program, makes them the leading experts in tailor-made travel experiences to suit your individual client’s needs.

Goway offers over 600 unforgettable journeys to every country in the region—from Mexico to the bottom tip of Argentina—plus an endless choice of tailor-made travel ideas based on your client’s budget, availability and time, and, most importantly, imagination. No one else offers the depth of knowledge for Central & South America that Goway and its team of destination specialists do!

Maestro, from the Italian, means “master,” “teacher,” or “specialist,” and Goway is full of them! To help you get to know the personality and expertise of our destination specialists, we’ve put together introductions on each member of our team. Today, get to know Bryan Tutte.

Where were you born?

I was born in Burnaby, British Columbia.

Where in Central & South America have you travelled?

I’ve been to 10 countries: Guatemala, Belize, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, and Argentina.

How long have you worked at Goway?

It will be 11 years in May.

What’s your favourite destination in Central & South America and why?

It’s super tough to pick just one, but I would probably say Costa Rica. Why Costa Rica, you may ask? Well, it has coastal beaches on both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean, jungles, volcanoes, and a just completely biodiverse ecosystem packed into such a small country. With just seven to 10 days, you can have an amazing vacation in a few different areas, giving you a great overall view of the country.

What’s the most-requested destination by your clients?

Peru, which is understandable given Machu Picchu and other Inca ruins.

What’s your favourite Latin American food?

You can say it’s simple, but I love rice and beans.

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General Manager, Central & South America - Born in Australia and raised in Canada and Papua New Guinea, Don took his first solo trip to Bali – aged just 13. Since then, Don’s travels have taken him to every continent. He’s been a backpacker in Asia, Europe and Egypt, an overland adventurer in East and Southern Africa, and an overland driver in South and Central America. He is especially fond of Peru, Patagonia and Namibia, though his longest adventure to date has been a London to Kathmandu run via the Middle East.

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