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Goway Destination Specialist Returns from Kenya

Michael Ropar, one of Goway’s senior sales agents, returned from a recent trip to Kenya. We caught up with Michael about his travel experiences and got some tips and insight about visiting Kenya and selling it to your clients.

Where did you travel in Kenya?  

I took part in the 8-day Kenya Odyssey small group tour. We visited Nairobi, Samburu National Reserve, Mt. Kenya National Reserve, Lake Nakuru National Reserve, Soysambu Conservancy on Lake Elmenteita, and the famous Masai Mara, of course. 

What did you see and do on your trip? 

In Nairobi, I visited the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and Giraffe Center. Throughout the trip we participated in a number of game drives in each region. I was able to see the unique wildlife in Samburu, which is specific to this region as it is north of the Equator. When combining all the various locations, we were able to check off seeing the Big Five as well as a whole host of other animals. During our visit to the Masai Mara, we were able to visit a Masai Village as well to get a local perspective from the people living in the region.

What was your favorite lodge and why?

Lake Elmenteita Serena offers a serene location with a view over Lake Elmenteita and the thousands of flamingos that call this region home. The property offers some lovely facilities and the luxury tented accommodation style is the definition of “glamping.

What was the highlight of your trip?  

Visiting the Masai Mara and experiencing the Hippo Pool Breakfast and Masai BBQ Dinner. It was truly a once in a lifetime experience! 

As a Goway destination specialist, was there anything that surprised you?  

Nairobi was more modern than I anticipated. As well, all the accommodations on the Kenya Odyssey exceeded my expectations.

What area would you recommend if clients wanted to extend into another country?  

Tanzania is a great add-on for some additional safari viewing. Extensions to Rwanda and Uganda are also easy to do and great options as well.

Are there any tips about travelling to Kenya that agents might share with their clients to make their trip even more enjoyable?  

Be prepared for long travel days as distances can be quite far. I recommend purchasing something to sit on that will provide comfort on those long driving days or consider upgrading to the flight from Nairobi to Samburu and the Masai Mara to Nairobi to significantly cut down on time spent driving.


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