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Goway Launches Plastic-Free Program in South America

Single-use plastics, or disposable plastics, used only once before they are thrown away or recycled, pose a serious problem in the fight to preserve our environment. Many governments in Central and South America are taking steps to tackle the issue, but Goway is also playing its part, working to rid South and Central America of single-use plastic bottles. 

Nobody wants to see this…

When we can help restore and protect this…

Plastic water bottles are a plague on the stunning landscapes of South & Central America. Most all the region’s hotels supply their guests with complimentary water bottles. While the tap water is generally perfectly fine to drink, most travelers feel more comfortable drinking bottled, filtered water. This unfortunately results in more plastic water bottles hitting the eco system, leaving a ‘waste stream’ where travelers have been.

Goway, with the backing of Travel Without Plastic is taking its own small steps to reduce the use of single use plastics when travelling in South America, supplying a complimentary, reusable metal water bottle for all our clients when they travel in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.

While many people travel with a reusable bottle already, they will still fill up said bottle using the complimentary water bottles at hotels, or purchased bottles from local stores which… defeats the whole point. To help combat this, Goway has called on all its hotel partners to install water stations, to allow Goway guests and others to refill their reusable bottles with safe, clean filtered water. Many of Goway’s hotel partners already have this amenity in place, while others will have a year to implement the change. 

All vehicles that service Goway transfers and tours will also be equipped with containers of fresh, filtered water, available to refill our complimentary reusable water bottles. On an average 7 to 10-day trip, simply refilling water bottles, can save an estimated 40 single use plastic bottles! It’s a small step, but a step in the right direction, with a cumulative impact that can equal 60 000 bottles per year, just with Goway clients travelling to Peru, one of Goway’s and the region’s most popular destinations!

Goway is also supplying a small recyclable bag to collect any plastic waste clients may encounter on their daily activities. Collecting this plastic refuse is purely voluntary, but by doing so, Goway globetrotters can leave a positive impact on their destination. Their guide will then ensure their bag is properly disposed of at the end of each day.

Globetrotters can also send picture of themselves and their efforts to [email protected] and tag it #trashtaggoway. Goway will post the picture of the eco warrior on their social media outlets for all to see!

Can’t get enough South America? Each bottle in the “Big 6” countries features a different nature-inspired design. Repeat Goway South America travelers can collect all 6, each representing a different country, for their “Travel Without Plastic with Goway” collection!


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