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Goway’s Essential Kenya – 2018 Super Special Departures Released

After a quiet few years, Kenya is again gaining popularity as one of Africa’s prime safari destinations. Africa Experts at Goway Travel has just released 2018 super special departure dates for its leading Kenya itinerary, the 8-day Essential Kenya. What sets this tour apart is that it is limited to a maximum of 6 passengers per 7-seater 4×4 safari vehicle, it is guaranteed to depart with a minimum of 2 passengers, and is an ideal trip for first-time visitors as well returning guests. Essential Kenya incorporates the main game reserves of the country including Samburu, Lake Nakuru, and the Iconic Masai Mara, which is of course home to the “greatest show on earth,” the Great Migration. This is the most popular time to travel, but Goway has managed to negotiate heavily reduced rates on select departures even during the peak season.

For those fortunate enough to be there, the annual wildebeest migration is an incredible, indelible experience. It’s a natural cycle that replenishes and renews the grasslands of East Africa. Each June, around 1.3 million wildebeest gather in the Serengeti. They slowly mass into a huge single herd, until the dry season withers their supply of fresh grass.

The scent of rain to the North begins to draw the herd throughout July, and soon the planet’s greatest animal migration is underway. What’s key to note though is that the Mara still has abundant game even when there is no migration.

Leopards in Kenya

Over the course of the migration, visitors to Kenya have the opportunity to follow the progress of the herds and experience the full grassland cycle firsthand. Africa’s largest concentrations of predators are drawn to this opportunity for easy hunting. Lions are frequently seen attacking the herds – especially at night- dragging down straggling individuals. At the same time, packs of Hyena freely weave throughout the herds, singling out and separating the young and the weak.

Predators are not the only obstacles that the wildebeest face. As happens each year, the herds gather at the banks of the Mara River in preparation for the most perilous stretch of their journey. As sheer pressure builds, the herds are finally forced to surge into the river, often hurling themselves off high banks. In the struggle across the Mara River, many are drowned or swept away by strong currents. The crossing also attracts massive crocodiles, who each year await this bountiful season.

By September the herds will begin reaching their goal, spreading out to graze across the expanse of the Mara. For this beautiful game reserve, it is a time of renewal, as the dung from the visiting herds fertilizes the plains. October will see the herds turn southward and repeat the same journey back to the Serengeti, where the renewed grasslands await.

The migration can be experienced on early morning game drives in customized vehicles, walking safaris with Masai Warrior guides, on horseback safaris in areas surrounding the Mara, or even from hot air Balloon safaris over the herds. Our experts will guide you as to the best accommodations and location, depending on your client’s preference and budget.

For other trips to Kenya see the following:

  • Kenya Classic SkySafari by Elewna
  • Masai Footsteps
  • Soul Safari
The Great Migration

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