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Interview with a GM: Don Forster, General Manager Latin America & the Polar Regions

Don’s travels have taken him to every continent. He’s been a backpacker in Asia, Europe, and Egypt, and a ‘passenger’ in Iceland, Scandinavia, Finland, and Russia just to name a few. His global adventures have continued during his time at Goway.

How long have you been in the travel industry?

A long time. I started as an Expedition leader in South and Central America in 1994, then worked travelling from London to Kathmandu for a year. Then I rode a desk in the UK, before moving to Canada where I had my own business before coming to Goway about 13 years ago.

Where were you born?

Sydney, Australia

How many countries have you visited?

At last count, 80 plus.

Why did you start your career in travel?

Well, when I did my first overland trip to East Africa way back in the mid 80s, I thought being an overland driver/ tour leader would be a great way to make a living – get paid to travel! In time, I did a 2nd trip, to Southern Africa this time. With no real commitments at home, I thought, I want to do this type of travel as a living. So within a week, I packed up everything I owned and dropped it at my mum’s house , I then bought a one way ticket to the UK, joined a company based in the English countryside on a pig farm – seriously – and now almost 30 years later, I’m still in the game.

What was the last vacation you went on?

A month ago. It was to be Santiago, Patagonia, then Antarctica for a combined work and vacation trip with my wife and 2 of my 3 sons. We got as far as Calafate, Patagonia before we had to skittle back home. So, we missed out on Antarctica, just two days away from sailing. In hindsight, it’s a good thing we came home… the heart breaks though! But like a lot of other people, I am already planning to make up for it next season.

If you were going to the airport (once COVID-19 has passed), where would you want to go?

See above. It will be to get to Antarctica with my family.

What advice would you give to a Travel Agent during these times? Hang in there! Be patient. I know it’s a cliché, but it’s true. This will pass and things will return to a form of normal. As I sit here, we are planning for that day with tools, product, and systems to get you and your clients back to where they should be and want to be… Globetrotting with Goway!


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