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Interview with a GM – Goway Idyllic Islands’ Richelle Emefe

How long have you been in the travel industry? 

21 years

Where were you born? 

Orillia, Canada

How many countries have you visited? 

Around 40 so far.

Why did you start your career in travel? 

Like most of us in the industry, I caught the travel bug early on and was hooked. I wanted to be a flight attendant when I was a little girl. It just seemed like such a glamorous job to jet around the world.  

What was the last vacation you went on? 

I travelled to the beautiful Islands of Tahiti.  Although this was my third visit to the islands, this trip was the first time I was able to experience this magical place with my husband.  We spent two weeks island hopping and staying in amazing overwater bungalows.  

If you were going to the airport (once COVID-19 has passed), where would you want to go?  

After self-isolating for the past few months, I am in need of an adventure with some gorgeous scenery, a little pampering, good food and of course a bit of beach. I would choose Greece.  Greece will be the perfect spot to visit once the borders open as it is normally quite crowded much of the year. Take advantage of being able to visit without the crowds.

What advice would you give to a Travel Agent during these times? 

Take the time to educate yourself on new travel trends and destinations.  Contact your Goway BDM and sign up to our weekly webinars. Don’t forget to reach out to your client base and let them know what you’ve been up to and demonstrate some of that expanded knowledge. Just enough to reassure them that you’re still the specialist in their corner when it’s time to travel again.

What is your ultimate trip for a romantic getaway? 

If I was looking for the ultimate romantic getaway, I would head to Namale Resort & Spa located on Vanua Levu, Fiji. This property is absolutely stunning. The property is owned by motivational speaker Tony Robbins and was originally purchased as a private residence. The resort is located on over 500 acres and there are only 19 villas on site – it’s the ultimate escape. The property has everything you would expect from a luxury experience including a 10,000 sq foot spa, private waterfalls, and stunning views of the Koro Sea.


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