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Interview with a VP – Goway Marketing’s Adam Hodge

How long have you been in the travel industry?

Hard to say! Being in a family business, studying tourism at school, and working a few other tourism jobs before Goway kind of blurs the line, but let’s say since 2008.

Where were you born?

In Toronto, Canada.

How many countries have you visited?

Depends how you’re counting, but by my last count, 53.

Why did you start your career in travel?

Officially with joe-jobs at Goway as a teen, stuffing envelopes for mailings and so on. But I worked part time in contract loading in university, before being an intern, then Marketing Coordinator at Butterfield & Robinson.

What was the last vacation you went on?

Sicily, in Fall 2019. It was an awesome trip, and we only saw one side of the island.

If you were going to the airport (once COVID-19 has passed), where would you want to go?

Hmmmm, I think just about anywhere sounds good right now!

What advice would you give to a Travel Agent during these times?

Nobody knows what the future holds. But rather than paid advertising right now, I’d use this time to try and make sure your past and potential clients see or hear you, over next little while. Without gloating or being negative, don’t be afraid to take some pride in bringing your clients home mid trip due to the virus. The point is you were there when you were needed the most.

What is your ultimate trip for a nature enthusiasts?

There are so many! But if I had to choose, it’d be between a Private Game Reserve (for open topped vehicles and off-roading) in Southern Africa, or the Galapagos Islands 8 Day Cruise or Land Option. But there are the Mountain Gorillas, the Great Migration, the Pantanal, seeing Orangutans, the unique wildlife of the South Pacific, of Antarctica, the Amazon… the list is endless and I really hope we can keep travel sustainable so it stays that way.


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