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Introducing Goway’s Wide World of Webinars

Every cloud has a silver lining and Goway has been using its pandemic downtime to review new ideas to bring to our travel partners a more engaging, fun, yet still educational platform to showcase all of our best destinations, new and old.

From this has sprung Goway’s Wide World of Webinars.

The pandemic has proven just how flexible working locations and hours can be, and changed the dominant view of how people work. It has also opened up a world of possibilities for those who can’t travel to in-person educational events and seminars. 

Moving to an on-demand approach, Goway has adjusted its webinar structure to better fit this new world of remote engagement and learning. Using the tried-and-tested delivery method of Zoom webinars, Goway webinars are now video-based, with increased production value.

Presented by Goway’s Trade Training Manager, Don Forster, each webinar takes a deep dive into its subject matter and is visually enhanced with video and infographics. Some webinars will feature special guests in-house for an added level of expertise.

When presented via Zoom, the webinar offers a live Q and A at the end to cover any outstanding questions. Best of all, the video is then posted to Goway’s dedicated agents-only private Facebook page and YouTube channel, where travel partners can watch it at their leisure.

“We are seeing engagement with the subject matter and the number of webinar views increase exponentially with this new approach,” says Forster. “By offering an on-demand platform we are seeing a more engaged audience. We’re offering interviews with tourism boards, local specialists, and Goway’s Destination Specialists, combined with fun and stimulating content. We invite our travel partners to log in and sign up for more content from our amazing Wide World of Webinars.”

Goway’s Wide World of Webinars is presented via Zoom every second Thursday at 2PM with a live Q and A. Webinars are then posted to Goway’s private agents-only Facebook and YouTube channel, as well as being listed on Goway Agent.


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