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Meet Nidhi Kalaiya, Downunder Specialist

Nidhi Kalaiya is super excited to join Goway’s South Pacific Wholesale Team at Goway Travel. Here is a little about Nidhi, in her own words:

I’m an Australian who was born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya. I currently reside in Toronto. Travel is the one constant in my life. This led me to pursue many adventures including: an epic three-month trip through the eastern and southern regions of Africa; a road trip through New Zealand with a few friends; a season in Italy to study Italian; a backpacking trip from Panama all the way to Mexico, and most recently eating my way through Colombia! Working in the travel industry has also helped develop my love for curating incredible journeys to help people discover the world and make unforgettable memories.

What is your country of birth?

Nairobi, Kenya

Have you lived in any country other than North America?

Kenya for 14 years, Australia for 11 years and I now reside in Canada.

What destinations do you sell?

South Pacific – Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific stopovers as well as Europe.

Do you have a funny story to tell about something that happened while you were travelling?

Whilst travelling in Cartagena, Colombia I visited a few islands with a pre-organised tour. We were having too much fun and missed our boat back into town on our final stop. With my limited Spanish I tried to figure out how to get back to our hotel and proceeded to get into a “taxi” offered by a local– an old Tercel with wires hanging out and joined by the drivers kids, Ricardo and Juan. Half way through the ride we had to get out and switch to his co-workers car (not sketchy at all). Luckily the first car didn’t break down and we got back safely to our hotel!

Do you have a travel tip you can provide for your agents?

Pack light and always bring a day bag! It took me some time to practice this, but over the years I have learnt the importance to keep your baggage to a minimum. Plus, there is more room for shopping!

What is the one thing you wouldn’t leave home without?

My phone

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Indulging with wine in one hand and cheese in the other, preferably in South Australia.

Which four people would you invite to your dream dinner party (living or dead)?

Anthony Bourdain, Trevor Noah, Rupi Kaur and Whoopi Goldberg

How would your friends describe you?

Culturally confused with a great sense of humour

Which living person do you admire the most?

My mother

What is your most treasured possession?

My passport

What is your greatest fear?

Ice cream falling out of my ice cream cone, a true tragedy!

What is your favorite Goway Destination or product to sell?

New Zealand (Don’t disown me Australia)

You can contact Nidhi directly at [email protected] or call him on 888 469 2944 x 5999


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