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A New Type of Cruise for your Clients

For all those cruising agents out there, Goway is offering an exciting and unique product that is sure to appeal to your clients. The Shongololo Express is a fully-serviced travelling hotel train that offers three Southern Africa itineraries ranging from 12 to 15 days. The train travels overnight to the next destination and clients are taken on guided sightseeing excursions the following morning. It is essentially a “cruise on wheels.”

Journeys on offer are the 12-day Southern Cross, which travels through South Africa, Swaziland, and Mozambique to Zimbabwe, the 12-day Dune Express, which travels from South Africa to Namibia, and the grand 15-day South Africa Journey, which showcases the best of South Africa.

Trips to Africa are hot commodities, particularly to South Africa, and availability is at a premium. Luckily, Goway is offering space on the 12-day Southern Cross Shongololo train journey, travelling northbound from Pretoria to Victoria Falls in January 2019. “Typically these trips sell out a year in advance,” said Moira Smith, General Manager for Goway Africa. “This space has opened up, and we expect the cabins to sell out fast.”

Since Rovos Rail purchased the Shongololo, the train has been completely overhauled, refitted, and supplied with extra communal carriages. The Shongololo is the ideal way to tour the countries of Southern Africa. In particular, the Southern Cross is an incredible way to visit South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe in a limited time period. Guests sleep on the train and sightsee during the day. Breakfast and lunches are included.

For more information about Goway’s journeys aboard the Shongololo Express, contact Goway Africa at 1-800-245-0920 or email [email protected].

Emerald Cabin
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Kirsty Perring

Africa Experts Product Manager – Although British born and now Toronto based, Kirsty grew up in South Africa and is completely passionate about all things Africa. She finds it hard to choose a favourite destination, but lists Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, and Botswana as some of the most special places she has visited, and feels it’s not just about where you go and what you see, but who you get to experience it with. Kirsty is always up for an adventure and will try anything once. As such, she has para-glided in South Africa, zip lined in Mauritius, dived the Red Sea, hot air ballooned in Egypt, and even swam in the Okavango Delta. Next on Kirsty’s bucket list is to climb Kilimanjaro!

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