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Passport to a Free FAM Is Back for 2022

It’s that time of year again. The time when things get extra colourful and you have a chance to enjoy a sweet treat for yourself. No, we’re not talking about the holidays, although they are a fun time to celebrate with friends and family. We’re talking about the return of our Passport to a Free FAM incentive, which rewards you with a complimentary FAM trip if you sell the world with Goway.

Lasting all of 2022, Passport to a Free Fam rewards you for booking trips in each of our destination regions. Simply fill out your passport with six stamps for our regions and you’ll be rewarded with a free Goway FAM. Our destination regions include old favourites Africa and the Middle East; Asia; Central and South America; Downunder and the South Pacific; and the UK and Europe. But new to the incentive is the addition of the US and Canada! Yes, you read that correctly: we’re going to be selling the US and Canada come 2022. As before, a Group booking counts as a wild card, so you can slot it in for any of our six destination regions, although you can only use one wild card per passport.

We know you’re working hard at selling these regions already, so Passport to a Free FAM adds a cherry on top and rewards you for all your hard work. It’s one of the best deals in the industry! Work hard selling the world and you get to see it for yourself.

We’re committed to empowering you to plan dream vacations for your clients and helping you to head on a dream vacation yourself. We know that FAMs help you gain experience and knowledge about the places you sell, which you share with your clients when you return. This new expertise then leads to extra bookings. It’s win-win!

You can find all the details about the Passport to a Free FAM here. Terms and conditions apply. If you have any questions after reading our terms page and FAQ, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Now get selling and stamp your way to a free FAM with Goway.


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