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Goway Presents Europe Cruises to Suit Every Taste

Europe is famous for cruises, but it isn’t just the fascinating history and beautiful architecture that lures people here. It’s the experience of travelling on the water that adds to the trip. Craig Canvin, VP Europe for Goway says ‘Travelling from place to place having only to unpack the once for the trip takes away a stress for many travellers. There are so many reasons to travel this region by water, Goway has trips in all the styles of ships. A large array of the product means that we are still booking people for 2018 on cruises. Goway is continuing to expand its European range for 2019.”

At the top of Europe, there’s the Baltic; known to be expensive for accommodation, food and drink you can have the comfort of knowing your breakfast, dinner, and accommodation are covered in the cost of the cruise. Meanwhile, the Mediterranean is famous for its Island hopping in the Greek Islands and overnight cruising between major ports. A highlight of any of these cruises is waking (usually) each day in a new country, allowing you to see many places in one trip.


For those of who aren’t comfortable on a big ship we have small vessel cruising. There are the river cruises, where you can take in the magic and wonder of some of Europe’s most famous waterways. Goway still has limited space on their beautiful The Rhine at Christmas time, which visits various Christmas Markets from the comfort of your ship. There is still space on some of the smallest vessels and barges for 2018. These boats allow for an intimate experience, great for multigenerational travel or someone looking to truly explore a region. For example, France has some beautiful small waterways that are perfect for this time of adventure. Guests are invited to get off the barge and bike in the region and meet the barge further down the waterway. Barges vary in size and are the perfect way to visit the area.

Canvin goes on to say “Keep an eye on Goway.com, you will see that we are expanding quickly in Europeand this includes cruising as we pride ourselves on being able to put together the whole customized package. Flights, pre and post cruise travel tailor made for your client’s needs and to make their perfect travel experience.”


For reservations and information, visit Goway.com, or call 1-800-387-8850.

Europe is famous for cruises, but it isn’t just the fascinating history and beautiful architecture that lures people here. It’s the experience of traveling on the water that adds to the trip. Craig Canvin, VP Europe for Goway says ‘Traveling from place to place having only to unpack the once for the trip takes away a stress for many travelers. There are so many reasons to travel this region by water, Goway has trips in all the styles of ships. A large array of the product means that we are still booking people for 2018 on cruises. Goway is continuing to expand its European range for 2019.”

At the top of Europe, there’s the Baltic; known to be expensive for accommodation, food and drink you can have the comfort of knowing your breakfast, dinner, and accommodation are covered in the cost of the cruise. Meanwhile, the Mediterranean is famous for its Island hopping in the Greek Islands and overnight cruising between major ports. A highlight of any of these cruises is waking (usually) each day in a new country, allowing you to see many places in one trip.


For those of who aren’t comfortable on a big ship we have small vessel cruising. There are the river cruises, where you can take in the magic and wonder of some of Europe’s most famous waterways. Goway still has limited space on their beautiful The Rhine at Christmas time, which visits various Christmas Markets from the comfort of your ship. There is still space on some of the smallest vessels and barges for 2018. These boats allow for an intimate experience, great for multigenerational travel or someone looking to truly explore a region. For example, France has some beautiful small waterways that are perfect for this time of adventure. Guests are invited to get off the barge and bike in the region and meet the barge further down the waterway. Barges vary in size and are the perfect way to visit the area.

Canvin goes on to say “Keep an eye on Goway.com, you will see that we are expanding quickly in Europeand this includes cruising as we pride ourselves on being able to put together the whole customized package. Flights, pre and post cruise travel tailor made for your client’s needs and to make their perfect travel experience.”


For reservations and information, visit Goway.com, or call 1-800-387-8850.

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