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Thailand – A Place for Clients to Unplug

Relax, Rejuvenate, and Refresh are Goway’s key pieces of advice to Globetrotters planning to enjoy Thailand in the coming year. What better time to launch Goway’s new wellness programs to Thailand but in January when goal setting for a better tomorrow is at its height?

According to the Global Wellness Institute, the wellness industry is now estimated to be worth over 4.2 trillion dollars. That’s trillion with a ‘T.’ Of that multi-trillion dollar figure, 639 billion of it is earmarked for wellness tourism alone.

That’s a staggering number, but not so surprising. We’ve all read the headlines that over 160 million Americans and a quarter of Canadians are obese or overweight. No one wants to be part of that gloomy statistic.

And we are all so busy! A 2018 Global Mobile Consumer Survey conducted by Deloitte found that the average American checks their cell phone over 52 times a day and overall digital media usage per person landed at almost 6 hours a day. We are more connected than ever before, but with all those pings and prods, when it comes to vacation time, a digital detox is often what travellers are after – or at least a brief respite. After all, can’t forget posting to the ‘gram!

But the term ‘wellness’ now goes far beyond just unplugging and detoxing. Who doesn’t want to spend at least a few moments each morning meditating because after all, there’s an app for that. Wellness tourism also has come to include spiritual journeys and looking for a higher purpose. It’s referred to as ‘transformational wellness tourism.’

It’s a booming business and Thailand offers it all. From every type of massage to fine, healthy cuisine, to long walks on the beach to hours of thoughtful reflection in meditation practice with a novice monk, Thailand delivers.

Goway has curated a handful of holiday escapes as part of this new campaign geared to attract health-seeking travellers looking for transformational travel.

These four packages combine some of Thailand’s classic locations like Bangkok, Phuket, and Chiang Mai with a few new emerging destinations such as Khao Lak, and Chiang Rai. Each package combines a mix of healthy living by way of cooking classes, biking tours, temple visits, discounts on spa treatments, and of course miles of long, white beaches to break away from the noise.

Don’t forget that you can download a digital flyer from gowayagent.com under sales tools and customize it with your branding. Let your clients know that you appreciate how busy they are and that a holiday in Thailand might just be what they need.


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