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Top 10 Tips & Tricks for Before Clients Travel

We want to make your lives easier. And we want to make sure your clients have a dream vacation. To this end, we’ve got some tips and tricks to help make sure your clients’ vacations go as smoothly as possible. 10 things to be precise!

The following are our top 10 things to do before clients travel. Our suggestions will make sure that every t is crossed and i dotted before your clients get on the plane and head off on their tailor-made vacation. Share this list with your clients and use it for yourself to ensure smooth, safe travels around the world.

What are the top 10 things to do before clients travel?

1. Visit our website for country information

Did you know that not only is goway.com a great source for trip ideas, but it also features sections that offer handy hints on each of our countries? These sections include country quick facts and travel tips on visa information, weather, food & drink and even what to pack. This is a great resource to share with your clients to show them that you are the expert of that given destination.

2. Download the cities/region you are visiting on Google Maps

Did you know that Google Maps has offline capabilities? This means that your clients can download city maps prior to travel or when they have Wi-Fi. They can then use them when they don’t have Wi-Fi. It’s a lifesaver when navigating a new city.

3. Download WhatsApp

WhatsApp can be a great resource overseas if your clients are not using a mobile roaming plan. As long as they have Wi-Fi, they can contact people through the app and connect with people back home and in the destination they’re visiting.

4. Advise your bank you are traveling

It doesn’t happen all that often anymore, but credit card companies can sometimes block your credit card when you travel due to suspicious activity. It’s always best for your clients to let their banks know they are traveling. I also always carry a spare credit card just in case I lose my main credit card. It’s always best to have a back up.

5. Go through documentation and highlight emergency contacts

Although this may seem like an obvious step, one thing that is common is travelers being overwhelmed when in destination when an issue arises and they don’t know who to call. As a result, they end up calling their trusted travel advisor and who knows what time of the day/night that could be. One very important travel tip we give to our partners is to highlight our 24/7 emergency support number. That way your clients won’t be bothering you at 3am but our Goway support team instead. If your clients also booked their flights through Goway, we can assist with air related inquiries as well.

6. Use packing cubes

Packing cubes have been my lifesaver over the past few years, especially when traveling with children. They have really allowed me to maximize my space in my luggage. You and your clients should consider using them as well!

7. Use Apple AirTags

These have become very popular over the last few years when lost luggage claims seem to have increased. This is still one of Goway’s top tips as it really can come in handy if your bag doesn’t arrive. Remember that if the airline doesn’t have your clients’ luggage, they need to file a lost luggage claim with them. This can be done in most airports at the baggage carousel or one of the airline representatives will show your clients how to report it online.

8. Take a photo of your fully-packed and open suitcase

In a past career, I worked in travel insurance and one tip that I found extremely useful was to take a photo of my luggage once packed as well as any important items (jewelry, camera, iPad, passport, etc.). This then became proof of purchase if for any reason my luggage was lost or any of my items were stolen. It also offers peace of mind since you know what you’ve packed without having to dig around in a fully-packed bag. Just look at your phone instead!

9. Sign up for flight updates

Your clients should download the app of the airline they’re traveling with and sign up for updates on their specific flights. That way they will get real time updates about any flight changes.

10. Select seats ahead of time

If your clients don’t already have their seat assignment, make sure they select them as soon as possible. If they wait until the airport, they may not get the best selection of seats. This can sometimes mean being seated apart from their travel partner or next to the bathroom. Don’t risk it! Plan ahead.


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